My Ryder up to bat in red # 8
Ryder has been playing baseball every spring since he was 5 years old. His dad helps with coaching every year. I can't believe we are getting ready to sign him up for his 5th season this spring and this year he moves up to minors. Can you say BUSY!!! They practice everyday and the games are more intense, no more coach pitch. Eeek! I am already nervous.
Ryder does golf too! His Papa got him his first set of golf clubs last Christmas. Ryder likes to go golfing with his uncle and go to the shooting range with T and Isaiah. This picture is of Ryder at Golf camp last July, he loved it and will be returning again this summer.

Before Mazie started her Jazz classes she did her first season of soccer. It was something exciting and new for us both. I ended up volunteering to be the coach of her team. One day I received a email saying they had no coach and there would be no team if there wasn't a coach. So I stepped up and did it, note: I have never played soccer let alone ever coached it. It all worked out in the end and we had a fantastic season. I did have two dad's step up and help out since I had six 4 year olds to handle. That was a major challenge
Here is our team: The Pixie Chicks
Note:four year olds love trophy's and metals! :)
Can someone please tell me why my daughter (the one in blue) is the shortest chick on the team? I am a Tall Girl (6') and don't understand this? My son Ryder is the tallest kid in the 3rd grade and taller than some 5th and 6th graders, that is how I was too growing up. So what is the deal with my Mazie?lol She never gains weight either, back in August she weighed 33lbs and she was weighed last week and she was 33lbs.
I guess she is my Tiny dancer after all....
I forgot to mention swim lessons! Yes, my kids do that in the summer as well. Ryder has been doing swim lessons every year since he was 11 months old and Mazie has been doing them since she was 12 months. They both love the water and I hope they will become super swimmers as they get older. I think its very important for everyone to learn to swim, its a survival thing you know.
So there you have it my two busy bee's.
Its always go go go for this full time working mama of two, and I love every moment of it.
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