So these are my two sweet pea's. My Ryder "bug" and my Mazie "Tink". They are my pride and joy. I love being a mommy, when I was a little girl that is all I ever wanted to be, my baby dolls were trated as if they were real. Even after helping my mother raise my little Sister and Brother, I still wanted 4 children. Well I have these two beautiful children, whom I share with their Daddy (Miles).
Miles was born to be a daddy there is no argument about that... As the past almost two years have gone by so FAST, I as a mother have missed out on so much of my kids lives. After the divorce I agreed for the kids to stay at their home with their daddy. After a year of tons of driving and fun filled week nights and weekends with my kids it just wasn't enough. I found myself extremely depressed, and crying so much about wanting to be there to tuck them in every night as I always did before and working part-time so I could have 4 full days off to be a stay at home to be a momma. Now that I have a nice house in a great area (since 11/1/08) I have slowly but Shirley gotten to have my daughter more through out the week. Now that summer is here I have my son every other week and we both love it, cause we miss each other so very much. The nights and days I don't have my kids, I call then constantly. I just can't get enough...
This emotional separation from my babies has brought to my attention that they need me everyday/night. So now I am making a big move on trying to get full custody of them both...
Is this selfish of me?
No,of course it's not selfish of you. Your their mother. Maybe you and your ex can work something out. Good Luck:)