A last minute camping trip was added to the kids agenda for the end of July. Ryder and Mazie's grandparents invited all three kiddos to join them for some camping and boating at
Lake Roosevelt (Eastern Wa.). Last Sunday we packed up the boys and sent them on their way with the Grandparents. Mazie stayed with T and I since she was suppose to attend a Kindergarten Readiness class for a few days. After she did 3 out of the 4 days of class the plan was to take her to the Lake and pick up Isaiah... Do the ol' kiddo switch-a-roo! Since it was his last week with us before he went back to TN, we wanted him to come back early.
The class for Mazie only worked out for one day... Long story!
A view of Soap Lake... From the road. |
Mazie and I woke up bright and early and hit the road to Eastern WA. It was a beautiful five hour drive! I was very excited to go, I hadn't been to Lake Roosevelt since 2006 (Mazie was 5wks old).
We left early cause we were trying to make it to the campground before they all headed out on the boat for the day. Due to my many years of previous experience at Lake Roosevelt the day goes something like this... Get up eat breakfast, pack a lunch, load up the boat and head out for the day and come back to camp for dinner.
Mazie and I were cruising!
This is pretty much all we saw after we passed over the Mountains. |
We had so much fun on our mini road trip. Just me and my girl! All the questions she had, all the wonderful conversations we shared and both jammin to some classic Rock/Country tunes. Once you get to Eastern Wa that is about all they play on their radio stations. I loved it! Mazie not so much... She is more of a hip hop girl!
Not liking the country music so much.lol |
She is a great road tripper... Eeek does that sound wrong or do you guys get it?
I love driving through Eastern Washington and seeing all the crop fields, cattle ranches and canyons. Its hard to believe we were still in the same evergreen state.lol
My favorite view of Lake Roosevelt from the top of the hill. |
Keller Ferry Campground. Lake Roosevelt-2011 |
When we finally made it to the Lake it was 11:00am. They already left on the boat for the day so Mazie and I were
stuck lucky to spend a day at the lake together playing in the water and sun.
A veiw of the camp site from the beach/play area. |
We waited and played for almost 6 hours for them to return back to camp. Note: Cell phones do not work at the lake... There was no way I could call and let them know we were coming to camp early or that we were even there. We made the best of the situation and the long drive and had more fun together.
Mazie's fence building skills in action. |
Mazie loves the sand and building things... She made an awesome fence out of sticks. I tried to help pick out some cool sticks, but they had to be approved by the contractor first. She is going to make a great leader/boss someday. *I am just sayin*
Mazie and Mommy working on our tan and painting our nails. |
Laid in the sun, painted our nails and had a nice little picnic. Awww just writing this is making me miss that day so much. I hope she remembers it always cause it was a very special time with my girl.
Isaiah and Ryder~ Lake Roosevelt~2011 |
Finally the boys got back to camp... One of them was not too happy to see me. Isaiah knew it was time to hit the road. He was having so much fun at the Lake he was trying to stay one more day.
After the boys showed me their swimming skills (they swam to the dock) it was time to gather Isaiah things. It was a hard good bye since the kids weren't going to see each other until DECEMBER... Ryder and Isaiah have a special bond... They are best friends and can't wait to someday be step-brothers... That is another subject these two and Mazie like to talk about with T and I.lol
*See I am not the only one ready for the next step in the adventure of life.*
On the road again.... |
After leaving and then making a few trips back to camp... Some things were "forgotten" *wink*. It was now time for Isaiah and I to take a road trip back home together. It was nice to hear about all the fun times he had on the camp trip to Roosevelt. We talked about all kinds of stuff, Isaiah is such a cool smart interesting kid to hang out with. We were both looking forward to going back to Lake Roosevelt next summer for our family camp trip.
I am so happy we got to spend that special time together and I will treasure it dearly for always.
We made it back home after another five hour drive... In one day I managed to drive a total of 10 hours, and went through two tanks of gas in the Jeep. Mazie and Isaiah were worth it and I would do it all over again in a heart beat. As long as they had fun and made good memories, I am always down for a road trip.
We had a jam packed busy fun schedule for the month of July and I am sad to see it come to an end.