Its April! But the March Madness is still in the air. This weekend I will be taking care of my son (he just had his tonsils and adenoids out) along with lots of cooking and baking for the Easter dinner I am hosting at my house this Sunday for my kids, my big guy, my siblings, nieces and nephew. My favorite thing to do be hostess for my loved ones :) There is however a certain game happening tomorrow evening... That is where the March Madness comes into play a part of my busy weekend at home. Oh yeah! Duke vs West Virginia...
You see I have never been into the whole college basketball/March Madness hoopla... Until I filled out my very own NCAA Tournament Bracket a few weeks ago to play along in a "friendly" game with co-workers. So tomorrow's game has turned into a huge deal for me...
Go W. Virginia!!!
One thing to know about me is I am a freak when it comes to lyrics to songs, it doesn't matter what type of music either. When I hear just a word that is in the chorus of a tune, bam I start singing it. I could be on that game show the singing bee, I so could and I so would too. So this is the song I sang for Tim and Mazie last Saturday when I found out W. Virginia beat Kentucky...
You see I have never been into the whole college basketball/March Madness hoopla... Until I filled out my very own NCAA Tournament Bracket a few weeks ago to play along in a "friendly" game with co-workers. So tomorrow's game has turned into a huge deal for me...
Go W. Virginia!!!
One thing to know about me is I am a freak when it comes to lyrics to songs, it doesn't matter what type of music either. When I hear just a word that is in the chorus of a tune, bam I start singing it. I could be on that game show the singing bee, I so could and I so would too. So this is the song I sang for Tim and Mazie last Saturday when I found out W. Virginia beat Kentucky...
Country roads, take me homeTo the place, I be-longWest virginia, mountain mommaTake me home, country roads
On that note Have a Happy Easter and GO W. VIRGINIA!!!