1. Do you like Bleu cheese dressing? Love it! Especially on my turkey burgers.
2. Have you ever smoked a cigarette? Yes... :(
3. Do you own a gun? Nope and never plan to either.
4. What flavor Kool-Aid was your favorite? Yuck, I can't stand that stuff, even as a kid.
5. Do you get nervous before a doctor appointment? Depends on what I am being seen for.
6. What do you think of hot dogs? Only Turkey or Chicken are aloud in my house.
7. Favorite Christmas Movie? Christmas Vacation
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Water and Green Tea w/lemon
9. Can you do push ups? yes...
10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? All my jewelry from my kids
11. Favorite Hobby? Cooking
12. Do you have A.D.D? ? Oh yeah!
13. Do you wear glasses/contacts? Neither, I got 20/20 baby!
14. Middle name? Lynn
15. What are you thinking about at this moment? How hungry I am...
16. Name 2 or 3 drinks you regularly drink? Water, Green Tea and Coors light
17. Current worry: too many to narrow down to one.
18. Current hate right now? always being stuck in the middle... (coming from a middle child)
19. Favorite place to be? Home with my babies
20. How did you bring in the New Year? Had a kid friendly party with my friends and their kids at my house.
21. Where would you like to go right now? At home with Tim and Mazie.
22. People who will complete this: I did!
23. Do you own slippers? Yes, but I don't know where they are and if I did I wouldn't wear them. I like to be barefoot!
24. What color shirt are you wearing? Black and White
25. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? Never have?
26. What are you doing right now? "Working"
27. Would you be a pirate? Heck yes!
28. What songs do you sing in the shower? Usually Phil Collins tunes... Love him!
29. Favorite Girl's Name? Mazie Lue
30. Favorite boy's name? Ryder Ion
31. What's in your pocket right now? candy for my son when I pick him up after work and keys.
32. Last thing that made you laugh? A cake on the Ellen show...
33. What vehicle do you drive? Jeep Liberty, working on changing that soon I hope, we just got a Chevy Suburban so no use for 2 suv's.
34. Worst injury you've ever had? broke my fingers.
35. Do you love where you live? I love my house its a perfect fit and Puyallup/South Hill has grown on me and I really enjoy living here.
36. How many TVs do you have in your home? 5... 2 of them are never used, they just kinda sit there looking cool.
Where is number 37?
Friday, March 26, 2010
Monday, March 8, 2010
Only in Washington...

Only in Washington you get nothing but spring weather in February/March. Only in Washington you were thinking how on Saturday it was 60 degrees out beautiful and sunny. Only in Washington your boyfriend gets a sun burn yesterday on the golf course. Then the very next day it SNOWS and then for your hour lunch break the sun comes out and its looking like spring again, only to get a afternoon of more SNOW!!! Only in Washington...
I am taking yet another break from my blog, at least for this week. I am keeping all my writing time for journal and writing a disposition for my attorney (whom I meet this Wednesday) eek. Wow, who knew it would take this much work to write about this crazy roller coaster I have been dealing with the past 6 months? What a drag! It will be well worth the time and effort I put in to this in the end. Maybe one of these days in the future I will post all of my journal and possibly make it into a story...With much happy endings I can only hope for at this moment. *fingers crossed*
My story and journey is long, emotional and exhausting, but it has proved to me how strong I really can be.
Today both my babies are sick with the tummy buggy.*sad tears*
I would give anything to be home taking care of them and giving them all the mommy TLC they need and more. It has to be one of the hardest things to deal with or just one more to add to my list of hard times. I have expressed my passion to be home more with my kids, so it is slowly in the works!
How is the weather in your neck of the woods?
My story and journey is long, emotional and exhausting, but it has proved to me how strong I really can be.
Today both my babies are sick with the tummy buggy.*sad tears*
I would give anything to be home taking care of them and giving them all the mommy TLC they need and more. It has to be one of the hardest things to deal with or just one more to add to my list of hard times. I have expressed my passion to be home more with my kids, so it is slowly in the works!
How is the weather in your neck of the woods?
Friday, March 5, 2010
Flowers for me?

I have been going through hard times lately...
No worries I won't go into detail about it just yet, that story or should I say novel will be for another day and another time, trust me.
Its people like Tim in my life that can bring my smile out. I was having a very rough, emotional day on Wednesday and much to my surprise Timothy met me after work. When I arrived to our meeting spot he had the biggest smile on his face, he told me he had butterflies *blush*. When I got in the car he greeted me with a bouquet of my favorite flowers. He took me to one of my favorite restaurants, Harbor Monsoon. We sipped on hot tea, talked and had my favorite Honey Walnut Prawns along with fried rice, and steamed veggies yum!
It was just what I needed after the day I had, Beautiful flowers,yummy food, and a handsome smile.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Party planning!

Party Planning is my favorite...
Last month I put on a big birthday bash for my Mumsy's 53rd birthday. It was just spactacular to do for her since she had not had a birthday party since she was a little girl. It was a Rock Band partay! We mingled, ate a yummy variety of foods, played ROCK BAND, games, took tons of pictures and devoured my homemade cheese cake. I gave my mumsy a new much needed camera for her birthday. My mumsy use to be into photography when I was a little girl. She took classes at the Community College in Bremerton when I was 3 years old. I was her model for her photos and her art work. She always called me her ham, cause I loved the camera. I couldn’t afford to get her a fancy dancy camera like the one she had back in the 80’s, but this one will do for now while she enjoys her many travels and adventures.
A quote from the party girl: "Thanks again for having it. Lots of fun was had. Folks still talking about it."-Denise Jackson
This month I am planning three parties, two baby showers and one Sensaria party.
The first shower will be for my baby girl Dani (no she is not a baby, its just my nickname for her) her shower is this Thursday evening. Poor girl showed up a week early for her shower. Last Thursday as I am leaving the dentist with my kids, I get a text from her saying: "There isn't a table reserved and where are you?". Hahaha I had to giggle, poor sweet pregnant girl forgot when her own shower was. When I called her out on it (nicely) she responded "Oh I am so stupid" and I said "No your just pregnant". Her shower is going to be pretty low key, its pretty much co-workers here at Multicare. I will be hosting it at Moctezuma’s in Gig Harbor, which is a popular meeting place for us employee’s in the Family Practice department.
My Sensaria party is on St. Patrick’s day, I am calling it a Working Women's Wednesday partay. So you can only guess what the theme is? Yes my home is all decorated with green shamrocks, teddy bear leprechauns with their pot of gold, a fancy table cloth and I am all stocked up with festive St. Patty’s day cups and plates. The menu for the evening will be Corn beef, cabbage, red potatoes, Irish soda bread and beer, gotta have the green beer or at least some Guinness. We will enjoy all this Irish delight along with foot scrubs, facials and trying out all the spa products Sensaria has to offer. My best friend Brittany is a new consultant for Sensaria and I am hosting a party for her to help build her clientele. If you are interested in Sensaria please catch Brittany Hunter on her blog https://securemail2.multicare.org/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://www.brittanysdance.blogspot.com/ or on her Sensaria website https://securemail2.multicare.org/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://www.sensaria.com/brittanyhunter
The second baby shower is going to be huge! This one is for my long time friend Courtney, she is expecting TWINS!!! A boy and a girl so this will be super exciting. I will be planning the games and decorations along with my long time girlfriends Charlyne and Jennifer. Here is a little story about us four friends. We all met in 2nd grade (1988) in Girl Scouts, we were cute little Brownies. I will have to post a story on that along with some awesome pictures to bring us all way back in time. I am excited and honored to be a part of this party planning.
To be continued on the out come of these upcoming parties….
***What are some of your favorite shower games to play?
Last month I put on a big birthday bash for my Mumsy's 53rd birthday. It was just spactacular to do for her since she had not had a birthday party since she was a little girl. It was a Rock Band partay! We mingled, ate a yummy variety of foods, played ROCK BAND, games, took tons of pictures and devoured my homemade cheese cake. I gave my mumsy a new much needed camera for her birthday. My mumsy use to be into photography when I was a little girl. She took classes at the Community College in Bremerton when I was 3 years old. I was her model for her photos and her art work. She always called me her ham, cause I loved the camera. I couldn’t afford to get her a fancy dancy camera like the one she had back in the 80’s, but this one will do for now while she enjoys her many travels and adventures.
A quote from the party girl: "Thanks again for having it. Lots of fun was had. Folks still talking about it."-Denise Jackson
This month I am planning three parties, two baby showers and one Sensaria party.
The first shower will be for my baby girl Dani (no she is not a baby, its just my nickname for her) her shower is this Thursday evening. Poor girl showed up a week early for her shower. Last Thursday as I am leaving the dentist with my kids, I get a text from her saying: "There isn't a table reserved and where are you?". Hahaha I had to giggle, poor sweet pregnant girl forgot when her own shower was. When I called her out on it (nicely) she responded "Oh I am so stupid" and I said "No your just pregnant". Her shower is going to be pretty low key, its pretty much co-workers here at Multicare. I will be hosting it at Moctezuma’s in Gig Harbor, which is a popular meeting place for us employee’s in the Family Practice department.
My Sensaria party is on St. Patrick’s day, I am calling it a Working Women's Wednesday partay. So you can only guess what the theme is? Yes my home is all decorated with green shamrocks, teddy bear leprechauns with their pot of gold, a fancy table cloth and I am all stocked up with festive St. Patty’s day cups and plates. The menu for the evening will be Corn beef, cabbage, red potatoes, Irish soda bread and beer, gotta have the green beer or at least some Guinness. We will enjoy all this Irish delight along with foot scrubs, facials and trying out all the spa products Sensaria has to offer. My best friend Brittany is a new consultant for Sensaria and I am hosting a party for her to help build her clientele. If you are interested in Sensaria please catch Brittany Hunter on her blog https://securemail2.multicare.org/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://www.brittanysdance.blogspot.com/ or on her Sensaria website https://securemail2.multicare.org/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://www.sensaria.com/brittanyhunter
The second baby shower is going to be huge! This one is for my long time friend Courtney, she is expecting TWINS!!! A boy and a girl so this will be super exciting. I will be planning the games and decorations along with my long time girlfriends Charlyne and Jennifer. Here is a little story about us four friends. We all met in 2nd grade (1988) in Girl Scouts, we were cute little Brownies. I will have to post a story on that along with some awesome pictures to bring us all way back in time. I am excited and honored to be a part of this party planning.
To be continued on the out come of these upcoming parties….
***What are some of your favorite shower games to play?
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