2010 Girlfriend Survey: The theory is that you will learn a lot of little things about your friends that you might not have known!
What time did you get up this morning?
Diamonds or pearls?
What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
What is your favorite TV show?
Big love
What do you usually have for breakfast?
Yogurt or Cottage Cheese w/bananas
What is your middle name?
What food do you dislike?
Italian sausage and Indian
What is your favorite CD at moment?
My old school mix cd I made
What kind of car do you drive?
Jeep Liberty
Favorite sandwich?
Egg Salad
What characteristic do you despise?
Favorite item of clothing?
My leggings
If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go?
Favorite brand of clothing?
Fox racing brand
Where would you retire to?
Arizona (I fell in love with AZ when I visited at age 16)
What was your most memorable birthday?
My 21st cause I just had my first baby 4 days prior and it was thanksgiving and we were stuck at the hospital.
Favorite sport to watch?
Basketball- LeBron James, need I say more?
When is your birthday?
November 22, 1980--- Yes I will be turning the big three oh this year and celebrating in VEGAS BABY!
Are you a morning person or a night person?
My mumsy always called me her night owl.
What is your shoe size?
10-11 depends on the shoe
Not at this time but looking into it. Both my kids are animal lovers!!!
Any new and exciting news you 'd like to share with us?
In the works of planning our trip to California in July... Disneyland here we come!
What did you want to be when you were little?
Neonatal nurse and a mommy (got one of those goals down)
What is your favorite candy?
Starburst or Twix- But really I am not much of a candy girl.
What is your favorite flower?
Pink Daisies I guess, there is too many to choose from. I love flowers and plants, gardening is my therapy. Did I also mention Horticulture was my favorite class?
What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to?
March 17th I am hosting a Sensaria party for My Best Friend Brittany.
April 10th Blacked Eyed Pea concert with my boys.
July 10th-17th one week vacation.
What's your full name?
Andrea Lynn Mannon
Maiden name:Jackson
What are you listening to right now?
The Ellen Show- Everyday at 11 George or I turn our lobby T.V. channel to her show. All we can hear is cheering, music , her wonderful voice and TONS of laughter.
What was the last thing you ate?
A dough nut... I know not the healthiest but it sure was yummy.
Do you wish on stars?
If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
Hot Pink
How is the weather right now?
What is your natural hair color?
Favorite soft drink?
Raspberry Ice Tea
Favorite restaurant?
Anthony's- I heart Seafood!
Samurai's- is my new fav, Tim just took me there last Saturday and we enjoyed some yummy Sake and delightful entertainment watching our chef make our dinner.
Favorite color of nail polish?
Holy Pink Pagoda
What was your favorite toy as a child?
My baby dolls
Pogo ball
Hot wheels
Summer or winter?
In the summertime when the weather is high, you can chase right up and touch the sky
Hugs or kisses?
Chocolate or Vanilla?
Coffee or tea?
Tea (I have a big cup of Green Tea w/Lemon every morning)
Your big goal or dream for next five years?
Get back into shape and do lots of traveling
When was the last time you cried?
What is under your bed?
A sub woofer (My boyfriend is into speakers and sound systems major)
What did you do last night?
Made a yummy Chicken pot pie for dinner and hung out with my love bugs.
What are you afraid of?
Snakes, spiders and heights
Salty or sweet?
How many keys on your key ring?
How many years at your current job?
Three years in May!
Favorite day of the week?
How many towns have you lived in?
1. Port Orchard
4. Puyallup (Current)
Do you make friends easily?
You betcha, but by the look of my followers NO.
This was something my mumsy sent me this morning and as I was filling it out I figured it could be something to post on my blog to let some of you know random info about me. Hope you enjoyed and I would love to read your answers to these random questions too.