Okay so I am not the best at this bloggness, like I said I mainly use it to update all my peeps.
I put in my 3 week notice last Monday at my current job... This was somewhat a hard but easy thing to do. It will be hard to leave my lovely co-workers and patients. On the other hand I have accepted a job transfer to the Multicare Gig Harbor location starting 9/14/09. It will be closer to my children's schools and daycare. So what this means is I can have my kiddo's any night of the work/school week. Plus it will be easier to go watch Ryder's sports and take Mazie to her Ballet/Tap combo classes every Wednesday.
Our next step is to move out to Gig Harbor!!! So we are currently looking for a house to rent in the Gig Harbor/Lake Bay area. Hopefully we are going to look at a place tonight, which I am already in love with... See I am already starting to get my heart set on something and my current lease isn't up until November 1st. Calm down Andrea my goodness. So the house search is on!!!
So I am enjoying these last two weeks here at the Northshore clinic. I am glad I was a part of this clinic this past year. But it is time for me to go back to my roots, back to the Harbor.
Totally off subject: I was rear ended last Monday on my way home from work. I am fine and no I did not have the kids with me. I was driving solo... The good news is my jeep will be getting fixed and then I plan to trade it in... Not for sure what I want to get yet? I think its time for a Chevy!!! Let me know what you think I should trade my Jeep in for?